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Connor’s Kindness Project was founded in Lynnfield, Massachusetts by 12 year old Connor Wright during the COVID-19 pandemic. During this challenging time, Connor wanted to give back and help children even in small ways. 

Connor along with his nana Sharon Marrama started creating Covid Care Packages, called Kindness Kits filled with activities and comfort items for children in the community that were sick or isolated from Covid. 

As the project evolved, Connor and Sharon continued their charity work. This included creating care baskets for healthcare workers in the Boston area as well as running a clothing and essentials charity drive. 

Through the generous support of the Remick Foundation since 2023, the project has been able to continue its charitable work through drives and events. There have been 10,000 Kindness kits distributed over 60 organizations on the North Shore that have gone to various hospitals in the area, including Mass General and Dana Farber as well as the Lazarus House.

For more information on Connor’s Kindness Project visit